Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Those who kill innocent people and then shout ‘Allah is Great’ are deranged – says the president [Buhari]

President Muhammadu
Buhari has described Boko Haram, its adherents and other Islamic
deviants who kill the innocent and shout ‘God (Allah) is great’, as
mentally unbalanced people saying ‘it is either they do not know the
meaning of those words or they are simply deranged’.

Noting that these enemies (Boko Haram) are essentially an insane
nuisance because they revel in cowardly attacks’, Buhari said, “There
must be an understanding that the war against terrorism is the most
unconventional one. They (terrorists) do not respect any rules of
engagement; kill the defenseless including prisoners, use children and
humans, girls and consider the killing of anyone at all at a victory.

Speaking through Vice President Yemi Osibajo at the launch of the
revised National Counter Terrorism Strategy (NACTEST), in Abuja, Buhari
said, “Therefore as we think through our strategy we must remember that
to permanently win the physical battle, we must win the battle of the
minds of even the most impressionable young men who sign up to join Boko
 Haram and other violent extremist groups.

“We must understand that terrorism is essentially a psychological
warfare and as such is psychologically sophisticated and we must educate
 the youth through the leadership of our faith that neither Islam nor
any other religion that we know endorses the slaughter of anyone.

Continuing Buhari said, “In the past few years our nation faced the
threat of terrorism characterized by mindless killing of our people
including children.

“The massacre of the Buni Yadi boys in their hostels’ at night; the
bombing of churches, mosque and market places, the kidnap of the Chibok
girls and many others. The sheer recklessness of the killings, the
shootings and the executions were meant to terrorize and produce maximum

“To further establish the reign of terror in the territory and the
terrorists hoisted their terror flags in almost 27 local governments in
the north east.

“Sadly because of the disgraceful deed and the wickedness of some in
governance and some in high office in the armed forces at the time,
funds meant to equip soldiers to continue the fight against terror was

“The incredible selfishness caused the nation thousands of lives,
extended the reign of terror and strengthened the enemy.

“Since May 29, 2015, we have committed ourselves as a government to the
absolute defeat of the terrorists and to quicken and emboldened the
morale of our armed forces. But like evil, the vestiges of the
activities and the warped ideologies still linger.

“Through personal contacts, social media, capture, and intimidation,
men, women and even children are induced, persuaded or forced to engage
in acts of terrorism.

“We must work hard to provide opportunity to educate these young men and
 women who for years have lacked education and the mere chance of doing

“Our social investment programmes are designed to create real
opportunities for our young people.

“Today as many as are begin released from captivity, we are faced with
serious problem of malnutrition, I have asked the Vice President to
chair an inter-ministerial team to quickly review the challenges and
work with our development partners and other CSOs to handle this
particular problem.

“Every single Nigerian is a priority, this is why I have repeatedly
ordered our law enforcement agents to ensure that the perpetrators of
violence in any shape or form are arrested and made to face the law.

“The activities of armed herdsmen, kidnappers and criminal militants all
 threaten our security and the sovereignty of our nation. We will not
allow anyone under any guise whether it is politics, culture or religion
 to violate the physical persons, lives or property of other citizens.
This is the oath to which I swore and I will uphold it at all cost.

“Achieving success in combating terrorism is contingent on a
well-articulated strategy and effective counter terrorism coordination
with all stakeholders and must be devoid of inter-agency rivalry.

“In this regard, MDAs must henceforth adhere to their respective roles
as stipulated in the statute and complimentary document.

“This is why a robust and counter terrorism strategy is crucial in fight
 against terrorism and must be constantly reviewed for relevance to
contemporary challenges.

“Today, we are gathered to launch such a policy, the reviewed
counter-terrorism strategy. That it is a revised strategy underscores
the fact that it recognizes that terrorism has numerous ideologies; is
not static and our response must be dynamic and versatile.

“I wish to confirm that this policy is fit for purpose to adequately
respond to the current, eminent and future challenges.

Earlier, National Security Adviser, Major General Babagana Monguno (rtd)
 said the revised counter terrorism strategy (NACTEST) was aimed not
only at defeating terrorism but at curtailing its growth in the country.

He said, “Following the Presidential directive to review the National
Counter Terrorism Strategy (NACTEST) for immediate implementation, the
Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA), with the active
collaboration of all stakeholders convened a Working Group of Experts to
 re-articulate the roles of MDAs as tasked in the Strategy.

“In so doing, we were guided by the fact that the ability of a nation to
 effectively respond to acts of terrorism depends on its capacity to be
several steps ahead of the terrorist. To do this is not as simple as it

“However, by putting in place an all-encompassing strategy and
implementation plan, whilst strengthening our laws, such as the
Terrorism Prevention (Amendment) Act 2013, we can diminish the
effectiveness of the terrorist.

“We have made significant progress in our counter terrorism efforts. By
virtue of Section 2, sub-section 1 (a)-(d) of the Terrorism Prevention
Act, the Office of the National Security Adviser shall coordinate all
security and law enforcement agencies in counterterrorism and provide
them with support to prevent and combat terrorism.

“It will ensure the effective formulation and implementation of a
counter terrorism strategy, build capacity and do such other acts or
things that are necessary for the effective functions of the relevant
security and law enforcement agencies.

“Also, By Virtue of Section 2, sub-section 2 (a)-(c), the Attorney
General of the Federation shall be the authority for the effective
implementation and administration of the Act and ensure that Nigeria’s
counterterrorism laws and policies conform with international standards
and United Nations Conventions on Terrorism, maintain international
cooperation required for preventing and combating international acts of
terrorism and effectively prosecute terrorism cases.

“The Act in Sub-section 3 further mandates the security and law
enforcement agencies to enforce all laws and regulations to combat and
prevent acts of terrorism, among others. Sub-section 3 (f) is
particularly relevant to note.

“It provides for the law enforcement agencies to ‘partner with Civil
Society Organizations and the Nigerian public to provide education,
support, information, awareness and sensitization towards the prevention
 and elimination of acts of terrorism’.

“The foregoing creates the window for a whole-of-society approach that
is crucial to resolving the Boko Haram, and indeed, all other violent
extremist phenomena in the country.

“The National Counter Terrorism Strategy (NACTEST) is the vehicle which
gives life to the wordings and spirit of the Terrorism Prevention Act.

“Pursuant to the coordinating role of my office, and in line with the
Presidential directive for the review, we have worked assiduously with
all stakeholders to re-articulate the roles of the MDAs and Civil

“The Strategy explains what organizations and individuals can do to help
 in its implementation in order to reduce the risks and ensure that
people go about their lives freely and with confidence.

“NACTEST is organized around five streams namely; Forestall, Secure,
Identify, Prepare and Implement. Each of these streams has key
objectives and success indicators. To effectively ensure monitoring and
evaluating success at each stage, my office has developed a benchmarking
 framework for the evaluation of the implementation of NACTEST.

“It has now been reviewed to include salient areas like the Nigeria
Countering Violent Extremist program (Soft Approach to CT) and the
Strategic Communication program, which are two very critical pillars in
the fight against Terrorism and engendering sustainable peace.

“MDAs and all well-meaning Nigerians must now rise to the occasion and
respond to this call for action. Relevant MDAs must begin to streamline
their contributions according to their roles and responsibilities as
identified in the NACTEST.

“The NACTEST Desks in MDAs have been established to drive the process so
 that the menace of terrorism must now be addressed from a multi –
dimensional and multi – pronged and all of society approach in order to
make it all encompassing.

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